Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 3, 2010


I have tasted my first Kiwi. I prefer the "Gold", yellow ones. Those are sweeter and not that acidic and it is full of Vitamin C. Yum!! Yum!!

Fruits i like
Apples, Strawberries, Fragrance Pears, Nan Shui Pears, Kiwis, BlueBerries

Fruit i dislike
Banana(maybe its the brand i dislike ;p)


Rejecting Cereals and Formulas

I have developed a dislike for Healthy Times Cereal(Barley,Oatmeal). Guess i have outgrown puree-like food. When mummy tried to feed me, i would just keep my mouth shut firmly and turn away. Mummy was persistent not to waste food and tried ways to coax me but it didn't work.

Recently, i was fed formula samples such as Similac follow-on, Nan Pro 3 and Mamil Gold. None that i like and so the search continues. Line up next is NAN HA 2. Wish me luck!

My Mummy's Notepad

5Yrs: Likes Taylor Swift & Gordon Ramsay, Acting like baby - 'gu gu ga ga ma ma', Mimic laugh of George from Peppa Pig, Scoot like a pro, Say others 'cheat' her if they didn't keep to their promise.
6Yrs: Started Pri Sch, Loves Starwars, buy green tean jellies for recess

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