Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Bouncing baby

Guess who's the bouncing baby. Its me, of course. Mummy and daddy took me for Oscar scan yesterday morning. I was playing in mummy and was caught in action bouncing and waving my left hands. Both Mummy and daddy was delighted and amazed as i was lying down horizontally bouncing up and down. Our Oscar assistant was a middle-age lady named PM Fong. She waited patiently for me to bounce so that she can take the measurement of my NT(Something to do with skin at the neck area) as well as some ultrasound picture.
However, due to my resting position or the machine, she wasn't able to obtain the measurement and mummy and daddy was advise to take the blood test first then go back again in 20 mins to see if i will move to a position easier for taking measurement.

Blood test time!! This is the first time blood was drawn from Mummy since donkey years. As many may know, mummy is terrified of injection and blood test. The nurse administering the blood test wasn't gentle at all. Mummy can feel all her motion in changing empty blood tubes. Mummy was silently telling herself, endure it's ending soon. Never did she know there was 4 tubes to fill. Finally, her ordeal is over and next is daddy's turn. Daddy was very brave and he offered his left arm as he see that the nurse was having trouble looking for the veins on the right. He was calm and 2 tubes were taken from him.

For our second scan, we waited an hour instead if 20 mins. It was frustrating being the first few to scan and ending up the last to leave. In total, we spent the entire morning from 9.30am till 12noon at TMC. :( Plus, we have to return at 4pm for the results. Haiz...

Dr Chan says i am a medium size baby and the Nuchal Translucency(NT) is thin and normal. Estimated risk of Trisomy 21(Down Syndrome) for mummy's age group is 1:614 and the adjusted risk taking into account mummy's test results shows a lower risk of 1:12289. Dr chan then goes on to say "However, low risk doesn't mean no risk just like crossing the road". Should know what she means liao lor..
Notice the small black patch on the last scan on the right? That's my left hand waving

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My Mummy's Notepad

5Yrs: Likes Taylor Swift & Gordon Ramsay, Acting like baby - 'gu gu ga ga ma ma', Mimic laugh of George from Peppa Pig, Scoot like a pro, Say others 'cheat' her if they didn't keep to their promise.
6Yrs: Started Pri Sch, Loves Starwars, buy green tean jellies for recess

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