Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, April 27, 2009

My new car... Italian just like dad's

Last weekend, my parents went visiting stores in search for a pram. They went to the Baby Hypermart, Baby Kingdom (Kaki Bukit) and subsequently OG(Orchard) after reading a forum posting about OG having a 20% discount on baby prams on brands like Peg Perego, Quinny and Baby Ace that Sunday. Out of anxiety, they quickly went down to look at the models on sale.
In the midst of the excitement, they made a reservation on a baby ace pram priced at $888(With the discount, the price is @ $668).

Baby Ace
Pros: Seat bucket is reversible, Comes with infant bassinet, suitable for beach and parks ride due to 2 large hind wheels. It somehow looks or tries to mimic the Quinny Buzz but with a cheaper price tag. It has 4 wheels and 3 level of recline position. Able to accommodate maxi cosi car seat by removing the original seat bucket.

Cons: In compact mode, it is huge and heavy compared to umbrella strollers such as the maclaren and peg perego. The seating posture is somehow fixed. In full horizontal recline position, the legs of the toddler seems to be raised awkwardly upwards, the free bassinet is also too big. Difficult to transport if cars is not available.

Having doubt on the deal. They decide lookup the price at Baby Hypermart(distributer for peg perego, quinny, baby ace,etc) that very Sunday of the sale before closing the deal at OG. *Gosh! A check at hypermart indicate that both Baby ace and Quinny Buzz are sold at $888. So they were sure deal was a genuine bargain.

However, they went to OG(Albert Park) to check if the models there are the same as the one in OG(Orchard) and realise that there are more and much newer model available.

After much consideration, Daddy and Mummy decide to purchase the Peg Perego Pliko P3 Classico @ $%558.40 (U.P $698). Intially, they got the Moka colour p3 then later they went to change for the red as the moka's cup holder and pram label seems to indicate that the pram is actually a 2007 model instead of the 2008 model which OG claims. It may be some form of misunderstanding or oversight but to be on the safe side, they changed it. I'm not a fussy baby you know. I love everything my mummy and daddy give me and they have spent a lot of time and money searching for the best stuff for me.

Peg Perego Pliko P3 Classico
Pros: Compacts for travel on public transport, Full almost flat seat decline(Toddler can sleep flat in the pram at any time), 3 level of inclination, Full suspension on all 4 wheels, Large sun shield cover(180deg), Free storage basket and cup holder, Smooth seat fabric.. Side cushion protection just like a bucket car seat. Older kids can piggy back a ride on the pram,able to hang bags and purchases while shopping.

Cons:Seat bucket not reversible, cannot accommodate maxi cosi car seat, does not come with rain cover, car seat needs to sit on top of original pram bucket.

Not forgetting their initial reservation, they went to OG(Orchard) to cancel the baby ace reservation.

Presenting my new italian made pram...
My Brand New Peg Peregos Pliko P3 Classico 2008... Yipee!!! My Passport to travel!!!


  1. Wow! Tat's your gorgeous Ferrari huh, baby? =)

  2. Yup Yup! *Shy* Show you when we go gai gai next time... Koko lele or Jie Jie Nicole can hop on for a ride with me too :)


My Mummy's Notepad

5Yrs: Likes Taylor Swift & Gordon Ramsay, Acting like baby - 'gu gu ga ga ma ma', Mimic laugh of George from Peppa Pig, Scoot like a pro, Say others 'cheat' her if they didn't keep to their promise.
6Yrs: Started Pri Sch, Loves Starwars, buy green tean jellies for recess

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