This is a log of what i like to do at each growing up phase :P
5 Months: Rollover
6 Months: Sit, Assisted Stand, Babytalk(mamaa), Eat whole grain cereal and purees
7 Months: Crawl, Clap, Babytalk(babaa), Throw tantrum
8 Months: Ask for food, Shout aloud, Eat baby puffs, Eat fish porridge, First airflight to China
9 Months: Wave, Twinkle-twinkle, Faking cough, Blowing air to Daddy's tummy
10 Months: Open mouth wide, Screaming(Gesture for food/attention), Play games with others such as peek-a-boo, Have food preference , Display liking for water play, Display excitement during play, Stand without support for 1-2sec, Crawl around the house independently and locating support to stand up, Splatter water
11 Months: Monitors animal movement(cats, dogs,birds), play iphone, eat Stage 3-4 Nestle baby cereal(Likes:wheat&ikan bilis, multigrain w mixed fruits, yoplait. Dislike: rice w chicken) for breakfast/lunch then porridge for dinner.
12 Months: 2 front bottom teeth, play iphone stage 2, say cat whenever she see Hello Kitty, Stand on her own momentarily, refusing to get out of bathtub, Ask for food via scream n shouts, long baby talks, escape from pram and high chair when half secured, pick and put puffs into mouth subsequently everything else eg. iphones. Says birds, cats, dogs whenever she sees one.
13 Months: 2 front top teeth, free herself from high chair,walk w/o support, hymn twinkle twinkle, walk independently
14Months: 2 bottom teeth, Dance to the music, grin, signal for food, point to the items she wants, finish a bottle of Yakult, reads words such as hats, cats on screen, hi and lots more in v3, listen to simple instruction such as "pass controller to daddy","sing" and "dance"
15 Months: 3 front top n bottom teeth, can walk steadily, prefer more solid food, dislike and reject cereal, eat dinner with us, got uti and recovered, perform simple task like pass bottle to daddy, put item in cart,difficult to go shopping with as prefer to walk, call "papa" aloud, knows toys.
16 Months: 4 front top n bottom teeth, start to accept hairband, gave mummy a kiss to wake her up, wave goodbye when asked to. gave daddy a kiss when asked to, say n recognise apple.
17 Months: > 25 vocab, shows more enthusiasm in playing, drink from kids water bottle, able to communicate slightly(ask to sit on a chair, take sth from the table), join us for meals, able to recognise daddy's car, love to take the driver's seat, Visit Yokohama Japan and Tassie, Australia, Stands in front of the fridge and says "mum mum"
19 Months: Count from 1-10 without prompting, Loves Mickey MCH, Loves Gummi Bears Vitamins & Yakult & Rasins & Cold Drinks, Feed herself messily, Able to identify people who are close to her.
21 Months: Loves singing nursery rhythms, Give instructions like" hands behind your back, come, sit down, running, Pose at camera, Push shopping cart, Mastered Eagle's eye hunt for sweets, biscuits rasin & all toddler edible food
22 Months: Recognised coffee store to buy drink, can eat in a cleaner manner
34 Months: Dance to her fav music - Price Tag(JessieJ), likes to watch mickey mouse clubhse, winnie the pooh, little einstein, use ipad/iphone
40 Months: Communicate adequately, fav music - Everything at once (Lenka), loves Dora and story books, Loves fruits(Kiwi, strawberries, blueberries, green grapes)
44 Months: Fruits Monster, Loves Princess, Purple(Fav Colour), Hi5, Katy Perry
4yrs: Performs with move from Katy Perry's MTV, Likes Subway, Took up ballet
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